When you think of webcam girls, the first thing that comes to mind might be a sexy little temptresses raking in easy cash from a bunch of dudes on the other side of the screen. That image isn’t entirely inaccurate, but the truth is much more complicated. Peel away the sex and pixels and you’ll find a lot of people who have very different reasons for working in the sex industry.

The basic premise of camming is simple: a girl, in exchange for money, will chat or perform for her fans, naked and/or dressed. When she’s finished, the money stops and she goes home. Many cam models work for themselves from their homes, but others have a studio set up in a basement or some other such place, where they can host a variety of shows. It’s a booming business, and it can be incredibly lucrative for those who put in the time and effort.

But there are some real drawbacks to this sort of lifestyle, as some cam models have discovered. For one, there’s the issue of age fraud. It’s a common occurrence for cam girls to have their identity stolen by men who are underage and use the service, or even for older adults to sign up as teenage sexcam models. And there are also issues of exploitation, with some girls reporting being coerced into performing, or even raped.

This is something that Camgirl, aka Kitty Katie, has seen up close. A successful and respected cam model for almost a decade, she is well aware of the dangers of working in the industry.

She says that a big part of the problem is that many studio owners aren’t respecting their workers. She has heard of some girls being raped and beaten, though she points out that this isn’t always the case, as most of these stories are exaggerations and ploys for attention.

Despite these problems, Camgirl is still enjoying her work as a full-time model. She has a loyal following and is able to make enough to pay her bills, including rent. Her advice for aspiring models is to treat it like a business, and to stay consistent with their look and their schedule.

To find out more about the world of Camgirls, join us next Tuesday for an episode of 18 that focuses on the life of Kitty Katie. We’ll be talking to her about the art of camming, and we’ll also talk to two women who have turned the service into their primary source of income. Tune in for that episode on April 30th!